Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Orangutan in Borne

Orangutan in Borne

Orangutan is an exclusive species of great apes from Asia. To be more accurate they are native of Indonesia. They are divided into two more species which are Bornean/Kalimantan : orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) which can only be found in rain forest in Borneo/Kalimantan and Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii) which can only be found in Sumatra’s rain forest. The Bornean orangutan itself is divided into three other more species. As for this article, we will be more focused on Bornean orangutan.

Twelve-Weird Bird of Paradise - Cendrawasih bird

The Beauty of Twelve-Weird Bird of Paradise

Nowadays, it is important for people to recognize the most beautiful bird which called as Twelve-wired bird of paradise or Seleucidis Melanoleucus, or what people said based on the local name as Cendrawasih bird. This is the bird which on the size of medium and the approximate length is around 33 centimeters. This bird has beautiful velvet yellow and black color, and that’s why it is called as the bird of paradise because of the beautiful appearance. The beauty of male bird can be seen from the red iris, and the beautiful plumes on yellow color with the black bill on long size.

Burung Jalak Bali - Bali Mynah

The Story about Bali Myna or Bali Starling

The Leucopsar rothschildi or what mostly called as Bali Starling and the Bali Mynah are also has the local name called as the Jalak Bali. This type of bird is on the size of medium, and it is about 25 centimeters for the long size. The most popular of Bali myna is about the white stocky myna because of the crest on the drooping shape and the white color. This bird is also well known with the wings and tail on black tips, and this is the uniqueness which becomes the characteristic of this bird.
About Bali Starling