Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Harimau Sumatera (Panthera tigris)

Jambi’s Big Cat

 About the Sumatran Tiger
In Jambi, Sumatera, you will be able to meet the gorgeous big cat called the Sumatran Tiger or Harimau Sumatera (Panthera tigris). This animal is one of the six sub species of tigers that are still existing until know. However, this amazing tiger is critically endangered. It is on that status because there are only about 400 Sumatran Tiger known to be still living in the wild. As tigers are sitting on the top of the food chain, they are the predators that can also control the population of the animals under them in the food chain. And therefore, should this tiger be extinct, the balance of the forest may be disturbed as there will be no population control for certain animals anymore. There are factors that make the tigers’ population decrease. Among the factors are the lost of habitat because of the deforestation and the illegal hunting.  

Monday, May 13, 2013

Bohemian Rhapsody at Saung Angklung Udjo Indonesia

Long time ago, angklung was an instrument that had religious ritual function. The main function of angklung was as a medium to invite Dewi Sri (rice goddess/prosperity) to come down to the earth and gave fertility to plants. They used tritonik (three tones) angklung, tetra tonik (four tones) and pentatonic (five tones). This kind of angklung usually calls angklung buhun that means 'the old angklung' which had not been influenced by other elements. Until now, some villages still use angklung buhun in many ceremonies, such as pesta panen, ngaseuk pare, nginebkeun pare, ngampihkeun pare, seren taun, nadran, helaran, turun bumi, sedekah bumi, etc.
See Full Information about Traditional and Modern Angklung here:

Traditional Musical Instrument : Angklung. 
Originally come from Indonesia.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Various Attractions That Could be Found on Gunung Gede

Various Attractions That Could be Found on Gunung Gede

You could find many interesting places to be visited in Indonesia. This country is known for its nature and its culture. You could find various places that have beautiful landscape in Indonesia. Some of them are even located on places that might too difficult to be visited. However, these beautiful places are worth to be visited and might give you the whole new experience that you’ve never had before. One of the most beautiful natural beauties that could be found in Indonesia is Gunung Gede Pangrango which is located in Bogor, one of the major cities in Indonesia. Bogor is located on West Java, not too far from the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta. Bogor could be accessed from Jakarta by using buses or trains. You even could drive your own car or use minivan that provided by your travel agent. Once you arrive at Bogor, you could just go to Pangrango National Park if you want to visit Gunung Gede Pangrango.